
G Major Music Theory Fundamentals

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Terms link to worksheet chapters. Numbers after each term (for instance "12.2") refer to a page within the chapter.

5/3, 6 (or 6/3), and 6/4 chords, 12.2

Alto clef, 14.4
Arabic numerals, Ch. 12
Augmented, see Intervals or Triads

Bar lines, 3.2
Bass clef, 2.1
Beam, 2.4

Chord tone, 12.6
Circle of fifths, Ch. 4 Clef, 1.3
Common tone-stepwise (CTS) voice leading, 15.2
Common tones, 14.7 - 14.8
Contrary motion, 15.6
Contrary motion-nearest (CMN) voice leading, 15.7

Diatonic triads, 11.7
Diminished, see Intervals or Triads
Dominant, 11.3
Dominant seventh chord, Ch. 19
Dotted notes, 3.5
Double bar, 3.2
Double flats, 7.2
Double sharps, 7.3
Doubling (of chord tones), 13.3
Durations, see Notation of duration

Eighth note, 2.4
Enharmonics, Enharmonic equivalents, 2.8

F clef, 2.1
Flag, 2.4
Flat, 2.6

G Clef, 1.3

Half note, 1.7
Half step, 4.1 - 4.3

Intervals, Ch. 8 Inversion of triads
Key, Key note, 4.5
Key signature, definition, 5.1
Key Signatures, organization & relationships Keyboard

Leading Tone, 11.3
Ledger line, 2.5
Letter names of notes
Low and high on the keyboard, 1.2

Major, see Scales, Key Signatures, Intervals, or Triads
Major scale
Measures, 3.2
Mediant, 11.3
Minor, see Scales, Key Signatures, Intervals, or Triads
Minor scales, Ch. 6 and Ch. 7

Natural sign, 7.3
Notehead, 1.5
Notation of duration
Oblique motion, 15.6
Octave, 8.1
Overlapping voices, 16.7

Parallel motion, 15.6

Quarter note, 1.7

Rests, 3.6
Rhythm, Ch. 3
Roman numerals, 11.5
Root position, 12.1

SATB notation, 14.1 - 14.2
Scale degree, 4.5
Scales Seventh chords, 19.2
Sharp, 2.6
Similar motion, 15.6
Sixteenth notes, 3.4
Spacing (close and open), 14.4
Staff, 1.3
Stem, 1.7
Stem direction Subdominant, 11.3
Submediant, 11.3
Supertonic, 11.3

Time signatures, 3.3
Tonic, 11.3
Treble Clef, 1.3
Triads, Ch. 10

Vocal ranges, 16.6
Voice crossing, 16.7
Voice leading, 15.1

Whole note, 1.7
Whole step, 4.1 - 4.3

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