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Courtesy of

Gilbert DeBenedetti
Choose Your Level
Free Guitar Music! gives you high quality PDF sheet music for guitarists of all abilities. Even if you have never played before, you will find pieces to get you started.
You can also download MIDI files of the music, with and without accompaniment, and at normal and slow speeds. Play along with the MIDI files to check your performance.
What's inside...
First Pieces are for those who have never touched a guitar before. Learn easy C, G and G7 chords, and the standard D7 chord. Also learn to read notes below the fifth fret.
Level One offers songs with D, A7 and A minor chords, notes with sharps and flats, and music in two easy parts.
Level Two includes E7, A Em, Dm, B7 chords and the full C, G amd G7 chords. Note reading becomes progressively more complicated in the second part.
Level Three gradually introduces the bar. Fingerpicking chords and various "um chuck" accompaniments appear in this level.
Level Four will provide you with advanced original pieces and arrangements in various styles.
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