Beginner Levels:

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Level 1Asoloaccompother


The Rooster Crows
  --by Gil DeBenedetti
The Grand Old Duke
  of York
America, the Beautiful
O mòj rozmarynie /
  Oh My Rosemary Flower
(Have You Ever Thought)
  As the Hearse Goes By
Babies Don't Keep
Shabbat Shalom
Li'l Liza Jane
La Cucaracha
Hush Little Baby
Savez-Vous Planter les Choux? /
  Can You Plant your Cabbage So?
Calavera/The Skull
A Ram Sam Sam
Slavonic March (Marche Slave)
  --by Tchaikovsky
Ode to Joy
Do Your Ears Hang Low?

Level 1Bsoloaccompother


The Second Story Window
  National Anthem of India
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Hickory Dickory Dock
Il Était un Petit Navire
  Oh There Was Once a Little Ship
O Christmas Tree
Lightly Row
Hindi Counting Song
Old Blue
Oh, When the Saints
Wiosna / Springtime
Do You Know the Muffin Man?
Für Elise --Easy Version
Great Green Globs of
  Greasy, Grimy Gopher Guts
A Jewish Song / Ale Brider
Banks of the Ohio
Bullock Cart
I Heard a Robin Singing
Believe Me If All Those
  Endearing Young Charms
Angels We Have Heard on High
The Fog of Midnight
  -- by Virginia Billings, 9 years old

Level 1Csoloaccompother


Gilly, Gilly Good Morning
Do, do, l'enfant dor/
  Baby's lulluby
Billy Boy
Largo, from The New World
  Symphony --by Dvorák
Đàn chim trắng /
  A Flock of White Birds
The Wheels on the Bus
Hey, Hey, Come Out & Play
  (Hail! Hail! the Gang's all Here)
Hej w dzien narodzenia /
  Hey, it's Christmas Day!
Theme to Beethoven's Fifth Symphony
Ainsi Font, Font, Font
  How They Dance, Dance
The Fox
Skip to my Lou
Jingle Bells
I've Been Working on the Railroad
  (Practice in bass clef)
There is Some Kiss We Want
Deck the Halls
Oats, Peas, Beans and
  Barley Grow: 3 Lead Sheets
In C
In F
In G

NEW! That's Where My
      Money Goes
Hänsel und Gretel
   Hansel and Gretel
In C
In F
In G

Sonatina Piccolina
  --by Gil DeBenedetti


BEGINNING skill levels:

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