G Major Workbook News
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- In the flashcard column below, click a link for the set of cards you want. The flash card page appears.
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- Under "Question Types" select the kinds of questions you want your students to get. I suggest deselecting Matching and True/False.
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- For homework students can print and email you a corrected version.
Download all the Fundamentals pages in one pdf file by clicking here. Included are
- all chapters
- all circles of fifths
- answers to all problems
- test templates
Descargue una versión en español. Gracias a Plácido Gutiérrez.
Explore a page of worksheet extras with Worksheet Answers, and Test Templates.
Consult the index of terms used in these worksheets.
Workbook Chapter
- 1. The Keyboard and Treble Clef
- 2. Bass Clef
- 3. Basic Rhythms
- 4. Major Scales & Circle of Fifths
- 4. EXPANDED. Major Scales & the Circle of Fifths
- 5. Key Signatures
- 6. Natural Minor Scales & Minor Key Signatures
- 7. Writing Minor Scales
- 8. Intervals
- 9. More about thirds; Review minor scales
- 10. Triads
- 10B.Comparing Non-major Triads to Major Ones
- 11. Scale Degrees and Roman Numerals
- 12. Triad Inversions, 1: Roots as Letters
- 13. Triad Inversions, 2: Roots as Roman Numerals
- 14. Writing Triads in Four Parts
- 15. Common Tone Stepwise and Contrary Motion Nearest The Smoothest Voice Leading
- After Chapter 15 you can do the first few pages of Chapter 19, learn about alto clef and
proceed to Harmonic Expansions - 16. Full Phrases with CTS and CMN
- 17. The Fundamental Harmonic Progression, I V I
- 18. Full Phrases with I and V
- 19. The Dominant Seventh Chord
- Index of terms
Flash Cards
- 1.1 White Keys on the Keyboard
- 1.2 Treble Clef
- 2.1 Bass Clef
- 2.2 Sharps & Flats on the Keyboard
- 2.3 All Keys on the Keyboard
- 2.4 Above the Staff
- 2.5 Below the Staff
- 2.6 Above & Below the Staff
- 3.1 Note & Rest Durations
4.1 Half, Whole or Enharmonic?- 5.1 Key Signatures, Major Sharp Keys
- 5.2 Key Signatures, Major Flat Keys
- 5.3 Key Signatures, All Major Keys
- 5.4 Sharps in Major Keys
- 5.5 Flats in Major Keys
- 5.6 Sharps and Flats in Major Keys
- 6.1 Key Signatures for Minor Keys
- 6.2 Sharps & Flats in Minor Keys
- 8.1 Intervals: 2nds, 3rds, 6ths & 7ths
- 8.2 Intervals: 4ths, 5ths & 8ves
- 8.3 All Intervals
- 10.1 Triads
- 11.1 Scale Degrees in Major Keys
- 11.2 Scale Degrees: Harmonic Minor
- 11.3 Roman Numerals in Major
- 11.4 Roman Numerals in Minor
- 12.1 Inversions: roots as letters
- 13.1 Inversions & Roman Numerals in Major
- 13.2 Inversions & Roman Numerals in Minor
- 13.3 Triads in 4 Parts: Major Keys
- 13.4 Triads in 4 Parts: Minor Keys
Circles of Fifths
4. Major Scales on Circular Keyboard- 5.1 Key Signatures, Major Keys
- 5.2 Major Scales on a Circular Staff
- 6.1 Natural Minor Scales on the Keyboard
- 6.2 Traditional Circle of Fifths
- 7.1 Natural Minor Scales on the Staff
- 7.2 All Minor Scales on the Staff
- 7.3 Complete blank circle of fifths with Instructions
- 10B. Major Triads on the Circle of Fifths
Here are some testimonials from music teachers about these workbook chapters:
I have been using your fantastic music theory sheets and PDF downloads to teach high school piano theory to 28 students per class, all of whom are at different levels of study and accomplishment. Your method is comprehensive and easily accessible to students of all ages. What a great philanthropist and talented musician you are and it is indeed a pleasure to have discovered that I can thank you (in person) on Facebook ... Thanks again for all you do for music education. Iras L. Roback, Orchestra Director, Venice High School, Venice, Florida
I am excited about the way my students have received this material. I have observed an improvement in the sight-reading of several of them, along with a more complete understanding of what their music is actually saying and doing. Your material is more comprehensive, yet easier to understand, than any other source I have found in almost 50 years of teaching. My passion is theory, harmony and composition, and you have provided an excellent tool.
Joyce T. SmithHi, I am a High School teacher in California and I found your Theory Website. It is FANTASTIC! This is the first year that we are offering Theory and I have not been able to find a book that I have been very happy with. Most of my students are beginners . I love this! Have you considered publishing this? If it is, may I order some books for my school? Let me know. Congratulations and thanks. Terri Ridilla