Beginner Levels:

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Level 2Asoloaccompother


Everywhere We Go
Oh! Susanna
Bangun Tidur/When I Wake
   --from Indonesia
Lazy Dracula --by Cori Jackson
Did You Ever See a Lassie?
   I & V7 in l.h. in C, F & G
This Old Man
Au Clair de la Lune
Down by the Bay
Blow the Man Down
Thina Singu
Lazy Mary: I & V7 in l.h.
Il était une bergère /
   There Once was a Young
A-Tisket, A-Tasket: I & V7 in r.h.
   Lead sheet I & V7 in both hands

The Irish Washerwoman
   left hand practice with I & V7
A Sailor Went to Sea
Old MacDonald
Oh When the Saints
Polly Wolly Doodle
"Touchdown Confirmed!"
   --by Gil DeBenedetti
Spring, from The Four Seasons
   --by Vivaldi
La Bamba
A-Hunting We Will Go
Simple Gifts
Sur le Pont d'Avignon
Gilly, Gilly Good Morning
Op een grote paddestoel/
   On a Giant Mushroom
The Ghost of Tom
Joshua Fought the Battle
   of Jericho
Sul Cappello/A Feather in our Hat
My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean,
   short version
My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean,
   long version
Los Pollitos / The Chicks
America (My Country, 'Tis of Thee)

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Level 2Bsoloaccompother


God Save the Queen
Italian Lullaby, "Fa La Ninna"
Happy Birthday to You
Bridal March
Du, Du Liegst mir im Herzen/
   You, You are in my Heart
Ode to Joy
The More We Get Together
Bahay Kubo My Palm Leaf Hut
   Thank you, Mama Lisa
We Three Kings
Mexican Hat Dance
Nu det jul igen/
   Now it's Christmas Again
John Henry
In the Austrian Alps
Korobushka, the Tetris® Theme
Land of the Silver Birch
   (Terre du bouleau blanc)
For the Beauty of the Earth
Compagnons de la Marjolaine
   Company of the Marjoram
Keep on the Sunny Side
In My Hot Air Balloon
   --by Gil DeBenedetti
A la puerta del cielo
   At the Gates of Heaven
The Blue Danube Waltz
   An der schönen blauen Donau
Steal Away to Jesus
Eine kleine Nachtmusik
   --by Mozart
The Ants Go Marching
A Jewish Song / Ale Brider
Banks of the Ohio
A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Lulajze Jezuniu / Sleep Little Jesus
She'll Be Coming 'Round
   the Mountain
The Barn Cat
   --by Gil DeBenedetti  
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

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Level 2Csoloaccompother


Toccata and Fugue in D Minor:
Faith of Our Fathers
Jacob's Ladder
Čerešničky, Čerešničky/
   Little Cherries
(The Ballad of) Casey Jones
Hanukkah, Hannukah
À la Claire Fontaine
   By Crystal Spring Waters
NEW! That's Where My
      Money Goes
Arroz con leche
Home on the Range
The Gondola Ride
   --by Gil DeBenedetti
The Hokey Pokey
Follow the Drinking Gourd
Morning Song -by Grieg
Silent Night
V'là l'bon vent /
   Hear the Wind
Good Morning: I, IV & V7 chords
   Lead sheets             →

In an English Country Garden
Ma Come Balli Bene
   (La Villanella)/
   How Well you Dance
Joy to the World --by Handel
Belle rose du printemps
Lavender's Blue
House of the Rising Sun
Chevaliers de la Table Ronde /
   Ye Knights of the Round table
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
The Animal Fair
Debka Druze
Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me
Zwyciezca smierci /
   The Resurrection
NEW! In Christ there is no
   East or West
The Star-Spangled Banner

BEGINNING skill levels:

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