Beginner Levels:

Download your Selected Tunes for Primer Level.
Presented in a logical progression and with a Table of Contents listing skills for each piece.

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Primer Level, A solo accomp other


London Bridge
Les Cloches (The Bells)
Goodnight, Ladies
Five Fat Turkeys Are We
Yankee Doodle
NEW! That's Where My
      Money Goes
Va, pensiero / Chorus of
  the Hebrew Slaves
--by Verdi
The Juniper Tree
Blow the Man Down
Keep On the Sunny Side
Such a Getting Upstairs
Yonder She Comes
Down Came a Lady
The Ukranian National
  Anthem (beginning)
Sea Shells by the Shore
  from the Ukrainian song
There's a Hole in My Bucket
Happy Birthday to You
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
NEW! Bella Ciao
Gray Squirrel
Old Joe Clark
The Chimes
Goodbye Old Paint
Goodbye Julie
   (Julie Anne Johnson)
Away in a Manger
  --no flats or sharps
  --from Haydn's Symphony
Go Tell It on the Mountain
Old MacDonald
Al pasar la barca
   As I Stepped on Board
Tarantella Napoletana
Five Green and
  Speckled Frogs
Ma come balli bene/
  Oh how well you dance
Michael Finnegan
La Bamba
Away in a Manger --with flats
The Animal Fair

Primer Level, B solo accomp other


The Arkansas Traveler
The Baby Bumble Bee
The First Noel
Clementine, OR:
   Found a Peanut
NEW! The Can-can
Summer is a-Comin' In
Rock of Ages/Ma'oz Tsur
   --a hymn for Hannukah
Là ci darem la mano /
  Give Me Thy Hand

Amazing Grace
Brahms' Lullaby
We Gather Together
Dayeinu /
   It Would Have Been Enough!
Ode to Joy--for left hand
Drill, ye Tarriers, Drill
Oh, When the Saints
Nobody Likes Me
  (Guess I'll Go Eat Worms)
I Love a Lassie
There Were Three Jolly
Il est né le divin enfant
The Erie Canal
I've Been Working
  on the Railroad
Row, Row, Row your Boat
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Ode to Joy

To download sheet music and audio, click green dots.
Primer Level, C solo accomp other


Frère Jacques /
  Are You Sleeping?
Bahay Kubo / My Palm Leaf Hut
  Thank you, Mama Lisa.
Hard Times,
  Come Again No More
Have You EverSeen a Fishy?
The Bonnie Banks
  o' Loch Lomond
Un Flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle
  Bring a Torch, Jeanette,
Theme to Beethoven's
  Fifth Symphony
Persian Market Monkey
  --by Gil DeBenedetti
Beautiful Dreamer
Turkey in the Straw
The Wellerman
Banks of the Ohio
John Jacob Jingleheimer
Al canto del cucù
    At the Call of the Cuckoo
Šano Dušo
I Have a Little Dreidel
Jingle Bells
There's a Rabbit in theGarden!
  --by Gil DeBenedetti

BEGINNING skill levels: INTERMEDIATE pieces:
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